...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

Soukup Family Rules

When we were back in Michigan, Nana had a "Family Rules" canvas in the family room. I really liked it, and thought to try and personalize it and make it myself. So I put my good power point skills to work to make our own Family Rules poster and then uploaded it to Costco to make a canvas print.

You probably can't read that bottom line, which states, "Keep Growing, Keep Being Healthy, Be Safe, and Be Nice to Mama"

Mitch has said that to Miles every night since before he was born, when we only knew him as Little Peanut. (Well, it used to only be the growing/healthy/be nice part. But as soon as he started to be mobile and was crashing into everything, he added the 'be safe' part). He used to say it to my growing belly and now it's the last thing he says to Miles before bed. So of course it had be included in our family rules.

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