Guinea Pig Zero

By gpzero

Cuban Sandwich

I stopped in at a Cuban-owned cafe near my place just to get on line (connection's down at home). The "Cuban sandwich" you see is is what I'll call a well-conceived ham & cheese melt with a nice Cuban sauce.

For the non-American blippers out there, Cuba is one of those subjects upon which one can't have a conversation about here without there being an absurdity involved.

My background is what is sometimes called "white bread," by which I mean I grew up in an all-white place and didn't know any Black people personally till I was almost thirty.

That's not too unusual for my generation, but anyway, I have always known some Cubans, and like all Americans, I've spent my life hearing about Fidel. The thing that always amazes me about that subject is what is not said by the mainstream: In comparison with many Latin-American dictators who have been US allies, Fidel might be described as a little girl, skipping along through a meadow, singing rhymes and tossing daisies in the air. But we have idiotic policies regarding Cuba, defying all logic and all business sense.

Cuba offered doctors when Hurricane Katrina hit, but they were refused. Indeed the US Government is morally retarded and damned proud of it.

Well that's my little rant about Cuba. I have a friend who wrote Fidel a letter many years ago. He says that the worst grudge he has against Castro is that he still hasn't replied!

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