happily ever after...

By thir13en


The other day on facebook my friend (that i worked with at minacs) posted about having to find someone to take care of er cats for a month, because the apartment she was holding out on, fell through. and it being the first of the month, she was pretty screwed.

I replied, saying, I have cats, but they're female, don't want kittens...

now we have Wilson & Sappho staying with us :) they're a little older & little grumpy about their new environment. our cats didn't take kindly to it either. everyone is happily co-existing.

this is a shot of sappho, who was laying on the floor trying to roll around.. but she's a bit on the heavy side, so she kinda just looked like she was doing sideways sit ups.. or repeatedly trying to touch her toes.

when this picture was posted on facebook, Cat wrote
"aw she's doing her inchworm impersonation :D"

haha. they're pretty adorable & i'm happy to help :)

BTW: I accidentally had the ISO cranked for this shot :(

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