The barrels at Laphroaig

F and I contemplated strapping one of these barrels onto one of our bicycles, but we decided against it. This was our last day on Islay. We cycled from the youth hostel in Port Charlotte around the shore of Loch Indaal and down the B road to Port Ellen. Every so often a lorry would whizz by and we'd be overcome with the lovely smell of whisky fumes. Fantastic. Of course, once at Port Ellen we had to travel east to Laphroaig. There are three large distilleries along from Port Ellen: Laphroaig, Lagavulin and Ardbeg, and Laphroaig is a favourite beverage of ours. Luckily we in time for a tour - a bargain at £2.50 each. We visited the maltings floor and tasted the malted barley, which was delicious. Some of the Swedeish folk on the tour (fifty per cent of people who visit Laphroaig are Swedish) took huge handfuls and put them into plastic bags!

Afterwards, we were given a free dram, which was very nice. However, I rushed outside because I saw movement in the bay outside Laphroaig - an otter was diving around outside - fantastic! I'd never seen an otter before, so I was really chuffed. We had a long chat with the tour guide and the lady in the shop about Islay, whisky and the otters. It was a really nice distillery visit and very interesting.

We then cycled to our campsite at a farm northwest of Port Ellen. It was perfect - right on the beach.

Other photos of the day:
Laphroaig malting floor
sunset from the tent flap

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