hanging on the edge...

...of glory

this tune... has been playing through my head all day! why - why - why?

you know how it is though... it's happened to you - i know it has... and the more you refuse it, the worse it gets... you try to forget it - you try to replay a different song over it - you attempt to have your mind go blank... all to no avail...

so i decided to simply give in - when i saw this droplet, it sealed the deal... making me wonder, though - how it is water droplets can hang this way - suspended - defying gravity... almost a freak of nature. but it doesn't matter... because this little one was hanging on the edge - just for me... in perfect roundness - maybe not the best in terms of focus if i dare to compare... however, that's not the point of today's exercise - today was merely for getting a song out of my head... to share it with you - so it will run now in circuits around your mind... boo! so you'll hum and dance the tune - see it won't make for...


happy day.....

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