Watching . . .

While I was busy in the kitchen, baking a fruit cake, Ollie took himself up to the top of the garden to watch the guys ploughing the fields further up the hill.

There is a lot of land work going on just now, especially as the weather is so good and dry. We watched them ploughing, harrowing and sowing fertiliser. Huge bags of little white granules being swung about from the toes of the rakes on the front of one tractor and emptied into the tank of another. Lots of precision manoeuvring. All these chemicals are a lot less smelly than good old fashioned muck and slurry, but a bit too industrial more my liking!

Does anyone remember a book called "The Worm Forgives the Plough?" An excellent read, all about farming in a less intensive way, ecology and natural history.

Craft shop committee meeting tonight. Lots of items on the agenda, but we got through it quite quickly. Now I have to type up the minutes while they are clear in my mind and I can still decipher my notes!

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