My changing life

By Shelley2011

On the big swing

Today Melody slept in until 9! And didn't wake in the night AT ALL!!!! I had a big block
of unbroken sleep! And although I usually have 6-7 hrs it's usually broken once or twice sometimes more! So it was lush and I felt so revived this am! I'd forgotten that u can actually feel refreshed in the morning! I'm sure it's coz Melody is a bit ill so I'm not expecting this to be the new norm!
The cleaner woke us up (I know a bit frivolous on mat leave but actually I have less time now I feel than I used to when I was working!) and we had a good morning chilled, playing, few chores inbewtween.
(My blipping has always been rubbish spelling, english and gramma etc as I'm always squeezing it in as quick as poss and don't read back, correct, use text speak etc but realised today Melody is going to think I'm a bit dim! Melody sweetie, English was my best subject in school but I'm out of energy by the end of the day - uve worn me out! Don't u do it in school!
Later Em Ju and Rachel cane round and we went up the park with kiddies and a man bash! It seems quite a lot of men are thoughtless and need instruction to help - even tho they don't mind if u tell them what to do, should they have to be told all the time? Apparently so and it's kind of reassuring it not just my man!
Waterbabies tonight - i made announcement about my sale and 2 ppl had heard of it already! Cool! I had considered having zero customers but having billions could also be bad!
Tonight I uploaded the photobook! It was 100 images I thought - but turned out 100 pages and you could get quite a few pics on - so it took ages but is really lovely and I can't wait for it to arrive! £87 worth bought for £20 on groupon - I'm a convert - need bargains as now my maternity benefit has stopped and I have zero income :(

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