
It looked like a lovely day today from what I could see of it. I believe it was even warm outside!

Once I got up I assumed a position at the dining table by the window with my macbook, camera, felting book and cups of tea. Whilst sitting still I began to feel better but every time I got up or moved I was reminded that I'm still not well.

Made it to the doctors who gave me a nasal spray as he reckons my long running cough stems from throat/sinus issues so hopefully that will help. Noah also had an appointment at the asthma clinic as he has had a terrible cough for months with no other symptoms. The nurse reckons he probably has mild asthma and has given him an inhaler to see if that helps so fingers crossed for him too.

I'll stay home again tomorrow and hope that the nasal spray works its magic enough to get back to work on Friday then I can chill out over the long weekend.

I had hoped for a good sunset to save you from another bird blip. I am obsessed with my finches just now and got a good one of two males but the obliging sailboats who got into position just so I could take this shot just had to be blipped, I even ventured out onto the front doorstep to capture it.

I'm hoping the nice evening sky is a sign of good days ahead in more ways than one.

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