Christie's journal

By ChristieAnneD


Today I was a decorator. A chief decorator actually. ;)

Me and Eddie have been painting his new room all day and although there was no radio, it was a pretty good day and we've finished it all! This means that tomorrow will hopefully be moving in day and despite it not being my room, I am excited because I've managed to persuade Eddie to let me have a sweet jar in his room, and my own drawer. I only want my own drawer because he has one at my house that consists of a ruler, a bit of money, and a glass jar.. standard. And I want the sweet jar for obvious reasons. I need to remember that this is a boys room, and its not mine. hahah

Other than this we went out and about with white hair (paint) and found ourselves at the self service scanning machines in Sainsburys with 2 pots of Ben and Jerrys and some cheesy garlic flat bread.

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