Cowardy Custard*

It's easy to feel brave when you're a little white Westie and you're with four of your buddies, but then common sense prevails when the cob you are barking at rises to twice your height, flaps his huge wings and hisses. You very quickly come to a shuddering halt and turn tail.
Swan 1 Westie 0.

All that was missing on my morning foray today was my Shetland bunnet and my gloves.
His Lordship was otherwise engaged, this being Wednesday, a day when the hills render him impervious to cold and rain, or I think he would have complained more loudly than yesterday.

The East wind was cutting and according to the Met office the temperature was 8 degrees in the city. Needless to say the sun was not out to shine on the righteous.
There is skiing to be had in the Cairngorms, so we're lucky that it isn't snowing here.

By the time I made it back to one of my favourite watering holes, my hands were so cold I could hardly hold my cup of hot chocolate or navigate the cake into my frozen mouth. I managed of course with grim determination, and gosh, didn't I instantly feel better.

However I will feel a little peeved if His Lordship returns and tells me it was sunny all day in the Biggar Hills, and no, he didn't feel cold.

* Where did that noun spring from? I haven't used that expression since I was about 7 years old!

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