The Love Child Chronicles

By lovechild

Cat Nap

This is Oliver. He is quite a large boy. He was being quite sociable for a while this afternoon, then suddenly got up as gave us his opinion of our conversation.

It got me wondering why cat's do this? It is so obvious that he's giving us a message, but why not just get up and leave? I suppose that would not get him the same attention.

Fortunately, he has adjusted to having a "Mini-Me" companion, and now enjoys many hours of running around the house with her, and has even started to initiate play.

I know he's not unhappy with having Mika here, and as you can see, he's more than well-fed.

One can never tell what is going on in a cat's mind, but I suspect he's just too pooped to find another spot to relax.

Yes, there's nothing like getting the cold shoulder from one's cat.

Gotta love it!

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