This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

I slept for a billion hours. Technicolor dreams of ocean waves, waterfalls, and dolphins. Around mid morning Stewart collected his work from Union Gallery. His beautiful exhibition is over, it is hard to believe. While he was doing that, I had a nice chat with my dear friend Jennifer and looked up baggage restrictions and was slow to wake up. Then we wrestled a choice figurine away from a charity shop and headed to the portrait gallery to meet artist Kevin Low for a last good bye chat. It was a lovely visit. Then it was off to Lush to get nice face stuff that you can't get in the sticks and then on to the National Gallery of Scotland to see a few favorites again one last time and then on to the comic book shop for Stewart's fix and then on to Stewart's Mom's place for dinner and to see his Gran, Aunt and Uncle. It was a lovely visit too. I was sad to say goodbye to Stewart's Mom. She is a wonderful and kind woman and has been very supportive.

There was one last double decker bus ride (I asked if we could sit in the top front!!) and Stewart obliged. The city looked beautiful tonight all lit up. Tomorrow is all packing and a few more last good byes.

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