All things Blipable....

By Tina

If i were an animal...

Id be a cow!
SOME may say i live up to that already..but as i may have mentioned before..
I loVe COWS, me!
Today, as we were good Ooompah Loompahs~ we were allowed out on a school sorry work visit to Ivy House Farm, as we were Naming a cow in a kind of affiliation type way *we use their cream and butter in our chocklit and cake making.... and they are going to stock our chocklit at their farm shop in Bradford on avon

we all ooohed and ahhhed over the most awesome looking calves, and admired the adult cows and their stoic attitude to the POURING rain!
we had a great escape out of the factoryi mean informative day out..

seriously though... we went out for tea and i had Veggie..
its the eyes..
they eat into your soul!!!

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