St Pancras
This morning I tried a new tactic to prevent Whisky from getting me (note, not F) out of bed to feed him - I put the duvet over my head. This did prevent the small biting of the arm, the fierce stare and the slealthily reverse of the cat bum into the face region. However, I didn't account for sharp claws - Whisky did aswipe under the edge of the duvet. Luckily, I still have my eyes! I won't be trying that again. Sigh.
F and I went to see 'Clive Anderson's Chat Room' being recorded for Radio 4. It's a funny, free evening out. His guests were Rhona Cameron (comedien), Tony Parsons (an author), Michael White (political journalist for the Guardian) and Julian Clary (comedien). Mr Clary was hilarious! Rhona had her moments, too.
PS Sorry for the lacks of blips and comments - it's been a busy old week!
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