Hazy Sunset

We had our bi-monthly company briefing at work today. They round us all up and shepherd us into the warehouse for an hour or two of corporate bullshit enlightening company strategy updates.

The director presenting this one was well into his speech when he suddenly said "Jenny, what's the matter with you? Do you want me to get you some water?", pointing at a lady somewhere in the middle of the room. Then "Oh, you're hot? Malcolm! Malcolm! ... " (he's our maintenance man) " ... Jenny's a bit hot, could you sort that out for her?". There were general giggles around the room at the jovial exchange.

A little while later he called out "Where are you going now Jenny?". I turned round to see her leaving the room. "I'm going to get some water" she said. He followed with "Well, could you bring me back one? My lips are a little dry." More laughter was heard in the room, and then the presentation continued.

About 10 minutes later she reappeared and walked towards the stage with a glass of water in her hand. "Oh Jenny, you shouldn't have. I was only joking with you." She handed him the water and leaned in close to the microphone on his shirt. "My name's Lynne"

The whole room erupted and the director was mortified. Best company briefing I've ever been to.

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