The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Bursting at the seams...

So the River Trent is suffering. That poor little fence has been swamped by rainwater and the sign that read, "Beware of the drop" should really say, "Beware of the swimming pool"! Our morning run was wet, our evening walk was a little drier but I decided to take control. The leads came out for the first time in months and the girls walked beautifully to heel. I think that Lottie has been having a little too much freedom recently, time to remind her that she is out walking with me and not out following her nose! Anyway, they were fab. They both seem to have really sticky and oozing eyes so the Optrex has been out...much to their disgust! Now they are snuggled in beds giving me the evil eye. I'm sure a biscuit will help cheer them up!

The day was okay, better than yesterday, really busy as always but I'm home now and have had tea and it is only half seven. Plenty of time to do some Uni work. Got my tutor feedback today from my first assignment and it was really positive so I feel like it has kicked me back into action. Time to update the blog and start on the next chapter.

Looking forward to speaking to you at my bedtime...can't believe you are waking at 2am to speak to me. Superstar!x

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