Let There Be Light

By solli

May Day Drip

Thank you so much for your hearts and stars on yesterday's tulip petal!

I had a long day trying to get two errands accomplished, afterwards I visited my sister and it was 7:15 pm by the time I headed home with the light fading fast! I was fairly frantic for a blip when I saw some spent purple tulips on a lawn in town. I was a tad hesitant to trespass (how would I explain myself) so I salvaged a petal that had blown to the gutter and shot it on my knee. I'm really glad you liked it!

This morning I noticed that my mountain laurels are just starting to bud. This tiny flowerette had a droplet from last night's rainstorm so I thought I'd blip a drip.

Happy May Day everyone! It looks like the sun is going to break through so let's dance around the May pole!

* Well, sun did break through and the Bergen County Camera people asked if they could print this for their shop! Cool!

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