live and love your life

By Chocolatelover

The tower, the sun, and the roof..

fifteen minutes before the rain fell and moisten Bintaro..

I'm waiting for the masseur now..
Something's wrong with my back.. Ouchh..
I need a massage..

BTW, have i told you if my father is retired now? feels weird when I saw my father who is usually busy at work, now he's relaxing at home. feels weird that my father often came home at night, now he doesn't do that. feels weird that my father is at home now when I got home from work, and my father is still at home when i'm going to the office. Usually he had left for work earlier than me, but this time my father doesn't go to work again, he stays at home, enjoying his retirement. Maybe my father will do a business, but I do not know when he will start his business and what business he will do. Enjoy your retirement Dad! x

Have a great day blippers! Welcome May. Please be nice with me.. And Happy May Day! Hopefully expectations and demands of the protesting of labours can come true!

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