Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A Leo-less Tuesday!

I remember exactly when I became interested in collecting china. It was the 70s in Auckland, and I'd gone to a friend's house for a meal, and had tea in a fine china teacup and saucer instead of a mug. At that time I'd been very into collecting rustic pottery mugs and bowls and teapots. This was a revelation! It was much nicer!

In the 80s, while new to Gisborne, (first city to see the sun!) we rented an old farmhouse, and there was a walk-in cupboard. In the cupboard was all the china and old photos of the (deceased) previous resident, an old lady. We asked if we could put them out on display, as the old farmhouse had built-in china cabinets along one wall of the dining room. And so the collecting gained momentum.

We collected lots. It was cheap, and there were house lots and garage sales aplenty. We read about the Staffordshire Potteries, and the towns of Tunstall, Burslem and Hanley. It was years later, in the 90s that we 'made a pilgrimage' to this area in our Combi Van.

When we moved back to the UK, we only brought a few of the pieces with us. Quite a few pieces were lost in the various earthquakes, too. We had small earthquakes very regularly, but of course, you never think a really devastating one is going to happen. That said, every time there was one, that's what flashed through my mind. If that makes sense...

I couldn't resist anything yellow. This is Royal Winton. The wee houses are Beswick. The blue Moorcroft vase was my mother's. Apparently there were two, but us kids broke one (wasnae me!). My parents had been in Stafford during the war, my mum as a nurse, and my father on his way to India with his regiment. She had admired the pair in shop, and he'd gone back and bought them.

The wee art deco jug on the left is new, by Lorna Bailey. A good friend collects her, and kindly gave us this collector's item. We love Clarice Cliff, but can't afford her!

As you can see, this is an indoor blip. I'm still not 100%, and had it been a lovely sunny warm day, I might have ventured out. But it isn't. And Leo is without me today. Luckily he has two grannies he can call on.

I did a wee effect in Photoshop. Poster edges, I think.

Runny nose, hacking cough, sore eyeballs, but worst of all, sore heels from lying in bed. Too much information?

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