splf...my story

By uknowme

Really???? At 12???!?!?!?!?!?

This is actually Sam's second time shaving. A few weeks ago I called attention to a "shadow" on his upper lip. He checked it out in my magnifying mirror. I told him when he was ready to shave to mention it to his Dad. The next morning I slept in and Jay prepped Sam for school.

Sam came home that afternoon and asked if I "noticed" anything different. Sure enough, I didn't, but he'd already had his first encounter with a razor.

Take two was today, just a few short weeks later. He also tried to trim his "side burns" but wound up with a big divet out of one. OOPS... he laughed and made me promise not to post it.

Such a man...and he's not even 12 and a half!!! LOVE YOU SAM!!!!!

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