The EZ Life

By saltnsauce

Lovely Day.. :D

SO MUUUUUCH i could have blipped today! hate it when that happens, spend your life waiting for a bus then loads come along at once, or something like that. So first and foremost THE YEARBOOK ARRIVED TODAY! The baby we've been working on for so long is finally here, yes there are mistakes, yes its not perfect, but its HERE and its shiny, and its beautiful and everyone seems to be liking it, especially the extra little random things we put in, like a fake persons profile. Theyre all being kept in a room for this week so you can go in and write in each others instead of having to carry it around asking people to write, and then they can write when they think of something. In other news, this evening instead of kveldsmat we had ANOTHER bbq but this time out on the lawn. It is the start of something here at school called russeuka and is also the penultimate week left here (!) basically we all get dared to do silly things like sleep in a teachers garden and eat dinner under the table and hold someones hand for an entire day, that sort of thing. It should be fun, but Russ is a tradition in norway, and all the norwegians have special russ trousers and hats and clothes that theyre all wearing and itd would have been kinda cool to blip that too. During the barbeque i asked Erik if i could drive his car (a norwegian one) around campus and he let me and the break pedal was in the middle, that freaked me out and i stalled when i went to stop after my round, i thought i did pretty well, i didnt get out of first but thats mainly because there were so many people i barely moved at any speed at all, but thats not the point, I DROVE A NORWEGIAN CAR. it was scarrrrrrrrrry, but im proud :D Then right after the bbq we all headed down to the beach where we grilled marshmallows and some people drank and we had a guitar and sang songs and chatted, it was really cosy and lovely, and then me and one girl went to lie on the top of a hill for a while to look up at the stars, and while were lying there in silence she suddenly tells me she sees the plough and it made me think of my daddy and how even if i will only see him for seven days this year, i can see the plough and in a few hours time so will he. Random thought. As soon as people started getting a bit drunk i decided to leave and came home and now my day is ending but it was beautiful, so many mixed emotions about leaving, so ready to go, but so sad to say goodbye to some really good friends. Just gotta keep making the memories...

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