Country File

By marypot

Catching up

Firstly, thank you very much to those who left comments on my blip a week past Tuesday or on Hubby's journal the other day sending me well wishes. I looked at my journal for the first time in over a week tonight and it was lovely to come back to such kindness :) I've backblipped from HERE if anyone is remotely interested in following the events in the Country File household over the past week and a bit. There's some nice shots of our couple of days in Durham in there, before the dreaded lurgy struck. After that, it all gets a bit ER.

I am feeling so much more human tonight, even if I'm still pretty zombified with exhaustion. Unfortunately, Grace and Hubby are still not 100%. Grace needed another early bath first thing this morning as she was sick all over the place again overnight. It's scary how we can't tell it's happening to her, even though I've had the monitor turned up louder all night. She's still producing the explosive poos and not eating much, though I'm shovelling ready brek and toast into her wherever possible and giving her tons of water to drink. Also reverted to some formula milk instead of cow's milk today in an attempt to get some vitamins into her little body. She has lost so much weight in the past few days and is very frail. I rang the doctor, who said we're doing all we can and just to monitor the situation for a few days. Gracie veers between wailing and flailing one minute and then little giggles and smiles the next. She's such a trooper.

Hubby meanwhile is still sickly and hardly eating anything at all. He's off work all week too.

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