A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


Is what she's aiming for. As the object of her adoration I'll give her top marks for that. It came up in her bedtime reading book and once I'd explained what it meant she not only had a go but also obligingly let me blip her. Which was good as I had nothing else. Which seems to be a Monday theme. Oh well, there are worse things to blip.

Another ordinarily busy or busily ordinary day. School stuff, house stuff, work stuff. And trying to learn a new piano piece. Following on from my dodgy piano performance I have been asked to do a proper accompaniment for someone singing at a cabaret night. I have four months so it might be alright. I slightly drove my self a bit mad (to the point of getting slightly twitchy) by downloading the music and trying to play along whilst listening on earphones. Carl pointed out this would probably be a good idea in about four months time and was, frankly, a stupid idea on day 2. So I won't be doing that again.

It feels strange for a Monday to have been so productive. Hope I haven't peaked too soon. Nice though.

Lesley x

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