
I have seen these 4 horses a number of times, but they wouldn't approach me. I got out of my van, and almost immediately they came towards me. Well...at least 3 of them did. The 4th equine stayed in the background.

I reached into my pocket for the handful of baby carrots that I always carry. I would like to say that they came over to me for the treats. Truth is...I didn't have any carrots, and they wouldn't come any closer than 25 yards. Too bad...I had big plans to jump on the gray one...and yell..."HI-YO SILVER!! AWAY!!"

I finally got to see some baby geese today. You can see them on my flickr page if you want. Figure I better get a few pictures before the Goose-busters relocate them. Plus...there's a couple more horse pictures.

Dreary day here. 50ish and rain. Click on LARGE to see one of the horses with the remains of breakfast on her mouth.

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