Confused yet:)..?

By Angelabc2378

Angels to guide you

So, I have known what today's blip was going to be since seemed to be fated..

Whilst writing my blip yesterday, I was really stuck as to one of my "rocked my world" entries, when a dear friend reminded me of my very healthy (I like to think) obsession with angels....
This was then made even more clear to me by a very very lovely blip friend of mine....

So as promised, I'd like to introduce you to 'my angel', my guardian, my life, my solitude, my grounder, my Stephanie....

A few years ago, I was in a pretty bad way, suffering from an eating disorder which nearly killed me more than once....i lived but it succeeded in taking my best friend from me..(or did she succeed in giving herself to it)???...but that's another blip maybe...

During my time in hospital, I received many gifts, not the type you usually give like grapes, chocolate, sweets...the mere mention would have been enough to send me into orbit.....
No, I got many cards, willow tree ornaments, books of poems, a dream catcher...which is still very dear to me...and works....and a very special clay fired angel.....

On one of my weekend passes, a dear friend did some reiki on me, and it changed my life!!!...
I went on a boat journey to an island, and I met an angel...I spoke with her, and she gave me a present...a key...she told me her name was Stephanie, an that her sole purpose was to take care of and watch over me....

I remember that vision, it was so deeply engrained in my memory, that I drew her... What you see is what I saw...
She is my saviour, my light, my hope and my breath when I'm too tired to breathe....

She is with me always.....

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