A conversation with a fellow food obsessive

I had a long conversation with a boy with Down's today. Very interesting it was too, talk about our family, food, his 6 pets, more food and how bad school was. In fact the conversation was so good (the food related part) I ended up feeling very hungry as we talked about his favourite food and what he would be having for dinner.

Later I discussed with our eldest and the comparison with her cousin who has Downs but who doesn't communicate nearly as easily as this charming boy. The challenges that some people have in life are frankly quite baffling.

I think the main difference between the boy and my niece is that she understands two languages English and Russian.

That said I do love communicating with her and look forward to her visit in the next couple of months.

In other news, total panic stations, we have under ten olives left. Emergency supplies required tomorrow. And I contacted my Mother's cousin, a woman whom I haven't spoken to for about 14 years. Very nice to catch up and I suspect we wil lbe seeing her shortly also.

aka a fantastic day, apart from the miserable weather

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