
By hoodedpigwoman

He's Leaving Home.... Bye Bye

I've just eaten quite a bit of leftover curry, but I think I might have room for some more tiger bread. Is it wrong to eat a whole loaf of the stuff? With lemon curd, obviously.

But first I have to put Alexander to bed. Luckily he didn't really leave home. We seem to have spent quite a lot of the day in a supermarket, but he still didn't want to come indoors. Presumably he wanted to look at something more interesting first.

He didn't seem to think choosing kitchen doors and tiles for our new house was very interesting, so I had a quick browse at the options and then left. Proper appointment is next week. The saleslady now knows Alexander's name, but not ours...

Also I am finally about to become an auntie again. This child isn't quite as much of a laggard as its brother, but I think we'll have to wait until the morning for any news. I think it's a girl. I hope so or he'll look funny in the present I bought.

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