The Skin I Live in

A very enjoyable evening last night - lots of good food, hilarious chat about the all too frequent senior moments and then we watched The Skin I Live In, directed by Almodovar - suffice to say it was odd in the extreme and quite disturbing - the men seemd to like it and the women not so much. It all seemed very complicated and unlikely to me but well done.

A bit of catching up today - yet more proof reading and now too many things are still coming in at the last moment which is giving my designer (himself) a big headache! Planted out some sweetcorn and kale, caught up with the chores and admired Russell's handwork - he's putting a door and some windowsills for us. I gave Rosie and her boyfriend a lift into Bantry - they've been house-sitting while Travellersjoy is larking about in the Pyrenees. I spotted this little window - rather forlorn and unsettling - quite a good metaphor for the film actually. Other than that it's flipping freezing and blowing a gale. Can it really be May tomorrow- officially the start of our summer. Don't forget to wash your face in the dew first thing to ensure another year of beauty :)

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