John x 2
This is John. In his shop, next to his portrait.
Over four years of walking past his window 10 times a week and three pairs of repaired shoes later and I can now put a name to a face.
He looked so much like his portrait, as I walked back to the Mistake Factory today, that I had to stop and ask if I could take his photo.
His mates across the street were highly amused.
This portrait is part of a fund raiser for two charities*.
28 regulars from McKenna's pub (that's where Eric drinks) got their portrait done by a fellow McKenna's regular and local artist.
Now, to get a group photo of the 28 lads holding their portrait (and a pint in the other hand), that would have been a great photo opportunity.
* the first recipient was a local hospice. The second was the Foundation for the Rehydration of the Artist's Throat.
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