Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

Watch Out - I'ma Gonna Getchooo!

Loki doing a play bow before chasing Corra around my parents' backyard.

Mr. Badger, the dogs, and I all headed down to my parents' house for the weekend. We got there relatively early in the morning since Mr. Badger was going off with a buddy of his to nerd it up with a certain card game. I was going to help my Mum do some gardening and what not. My Mum was a little late getting back to the house since she was out shopping it up with her friend.

The dogs and I all were hanging out in the back yard and I was going to take some pictures in case I didn't have a chance the rest of the day. I go to take one and I just get the dreaded CHA error showing up on my camera ;_; - I had just charged the battery, everything seemed to be functioning properly ... so I figured the memory card was out of place. Popped it in and out a couple of times, no luck. I saw that there was a dog hair in the slot (big surprise!!) and removed it - nope ;_; So I figured the card was dead.

A couple of my sisters and I went shopping at Target later in the day and I picked up a new card that was on sale (yay!) and immediately tried it in my camera when I got home. It was all happy again :) When Mr. Badger and his buddy (Soup) got back, I told them about how my card just stopped working. I couldn't remember the brand ... so when I got it to check, I noticed that it had slpit ;_; - no wonder it wasn't working! And that's when I remembered hearing a loud cracking noise last night when I moved my laptop with the card/card reader still in. I must have smashed that poor little card. Rip old 32gb transcend class 10 - We had a long run you did good ;_;

And otherwise, I had a lovely birthday party with my family - I got sooooo many amazing gifts >< Best of all was my new Tamron 90 :D It is lovely.

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