knit 1 girl 1

By knit1girl1


Here's why you tell your child off for standing on the rather loose and dangerous stool you have in the living room, as you can fall off it and sprain your ankle (Hence the swollen side of my right foot).
I don't like proving these points at all as it's rather sore and needed a trip to A & E. By some miracle we were in and out in an hour and a half, very impressive considering it was Old Firm Sunday in Kilmarnock. X-ray's were taken and no bones were chipped off, but ligaments are definitely pulled.
The worst bit, apart from the excruciating pain, was getting poor Thom out of bed. Our kid loves his sleep and will sleep through anything. So after the second time he crawled back into bed Rob picked him up and shoved him in front of me saying, "Look you mums in pain and needs to go to hospital". Thom took a bit of notice then and stayed awake.
Pain isn't as bad today and I can walk about a lot better and hopefully can make it to teach knitting to my keen and eager group of girls later.

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