The Lighted Life

By Giacomo

Crossing the Lines

I was called away unexpectedly today to San Francisco for a business dinner and a Monday morning meeting. It was a beautiful day back home and I truly did not feel like leaving the comfort of my home and the love of my family. Yet, I am thankful to have an engaging career and I enjoy my work partners and clients so, I did what I needed to do, and I grabbed my bags and headed for the airport.

As always, I tried to make the best of time away from home so, between the time I landed and my dinner, I walked the city with my camera. After about twenty minutes of pretty bridge pictures and gull shots and boat shots and other touristy images, I wanted to think outside of my tightly drawn and self imposed boundaries and decided to do a few flare shots. I greatly respect those who do them well. I clearly have much to learn and I certainly think the right filters and some post exposure processing might help greatly. However, it is very late and I have little time to sleep and prepare for my meetings. Hence, the image above will have to suffice for this evening.

I posted one other HERE. Well, neither is up to snuff but I love street shots and I do not do them often enough so, I picked that one as my first choice.

I have not been near a computer most of the day except now. I cannot believe how generous and kind you were to yesterday's blip. It made my day and, more importantly, it made my daughter feel quite proud of her evening with her friends.

Also, I have felt quite selfish lately but, not intentinally so. I have been given so much by all of you the last few weeks but my schedule has left me little time to give in return. That is an uncomfortable place for me.I find it easier to give than to receive but I am grateful for the friendship and support you have repeatedly given me. My wish is to have time to do the same in return. Thank you.

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