...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

Today we went to Vancouver and hit up the Farmers Market and then went to Mimi and Grandpa C's house for a BBQ. We had a great time outside, playing with all of the toys in their big backyard and Miles even played soccer with Granpda C, which he thought was really fun! Mimi and Grandpa C were also very impressed that the first thing that Miles did when he walked into the house was head straight to the toy room that Mimi made for him. He seems to remember everything! Here is Miles having lunch with Mimi in the fun outdoor play area her and Grandpa C made for him.

A few updates of Miles at 14 months:
- He now loves to say "uh-oh" so much that he purposefully drops things so he can say it. In fact, sometimes he says it before he drops or throws something.
- He is obsessed with story time. He will grab a book, walk it over to you and turn around and back his little bum up to your lap so he can sit and have you read his book. His favorite books right now are "Bear Wants More" and "Brown Bear Brown Bear." Speaking of bears, he also takes his books over to our big stuffed bear and sits in his lap and goes through the books by himself.
- He has lots of new teeth that just poked through! Not sure which ones, but pretty sure it's a couple molars.
- He seems to understand everything we say to him, even though he doesn't communicate back. For example, we ask him to put away his toys and he walks all his little toys over and drops them in his bin. We ask him to go brush his teeth, he walks to the bathroom. We ask him if he wants dinner/breakfast/lunch and he walks to his high chair. The list goes on and on!

He's at such a fun age right now!

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