Normal service is resumed
Blue skies - that's more like it. The heat and humidity of the past few days never really broke, it just sort of blew away and today has been a perfect spring day. Hot mind. I had to have lots of work breaks in the shade (and sometimes in the shade of a long cool drink).
This morning we headed off to a local vide grenier* with a very strict list of things we were looking for and came back with.... a pile of old tat. Mind you I did get a rather nice milk jug and a linen bedspread. The kids excelled themselves, coming home with a polar bear rug, a giant lion, a helicopter and a bath mitt with a horse on. Katherine also bought a load of tin camping gear for her den (kettle etc). The rule was, they could buy what they liked so long as they used their own money and did all the talking.
So, we still have no rugs for the guest room and, perhaps more crucially, no door handles for that room either. But when you've a giant furry lion in the house, all else seems unimportant.
The afternoon was a pleasant blur of planting, grass cutting (still with the trusty shears), tablecloth making, lumber hauling and weeding. Mr B, meanwhile, volunteered to give the hammock its weekly check, and thankfully it still seemed to work... The kids were not seen all afternoon, busying themselves with all matters den related. Conor's teepee is sprouting new life, as you can see.
Nothing like a bit of sunshine to lift the spirits. But tomorrow, whatever the weather, we must must must finish the guest room...
*like a car boot sale / table sale / garage sale
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