Still Life
I'm afraid very few photos got taken today - for some strange reason I got the urge to clean and tidy and have done reasonably well. I guess the weather was to blame - non-stop wind and rain until 7pm at which point the sky turned blue and the flipping sun came out! Mind you, I've just been in the garden and there are some rather large grey clouds still up there.
I went outside, to the garage really, to investigate and identify the grubs in my left-over bag of compost from last year. As feared they are vine weevil grubs and the ones I found have been duly deposited on the bird table. Now, do I dose the compost with Provado and still use it or do I see if I can get hold of a new bag? That is the question. Bear in mind I don't drive and lumping a bag of compost home might prove a tad tricky :)
Ah well - here's a collection of veg and fruit cobbled together earlier today.....
Now to put the box on and watch the last half hour of Antiques Roadshow wot I forgot was on - it'll probably be boring anyway.......
- 3
- 0
- Sony DSC-R1
- 1/8
- f/4.0
- 39mm
- 160
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