Sue Foll's picture of the day

By POD2008

Citizen documentary maker

I really could not believe what this guy was doing in the British Museum this afternoon.

He was on his own in the Parthenon sculpture room, making his personal documentary to camera, together with panning shots, zooms and a commentary accompanied by huge gestures and emoting. All to this tiny little camera.

His audience wasn't anyone around him or with him, but presumably his mates on Youtube back home in the States.

I'm finding it increasingly disconcerting walking around London, just how many people just exist in their own bubble. First there are people chatting on mobile phones rather than to their neighbours. Then people zoning out the world with their ipods.

Now are world is being filled up with people making mini documentaries about experiences they are not sharing with anyone... except over the internet that is.

I was re watching John Berger's "Ways of seeing" last night and am thinking that the 21st Century just exists at 72 dpi... aaargh!!!!!!

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