The odd curiosity shot

By Flipscokid

To pidge

To 'pidge', who died after suffering a cardiac arrest on the cricket pitch six years ago today. Seems to be becoming all too familiar but maybe that's because it happened to a friend and I'm more aware of these things.

I've never met anyone who could make such immensely damaged and incredibly volatile students swoon and squabble to win affection. Modesty personified and was truly one in a million. If only the weather on that fateful Sunday had mirrored today's, perhaps he may have been spared.

To anyone(Pidge, far right) reading who knew him, I'm sure this is still as poignant for you as it is for me.

He'd tut and shake his head if he knew I was maudlin, so I'll stop being.

Hope you've all had a fab, if rather damp weekend :)

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