This life thing...

By mrpin

Dad's Study

You can't beat the familiar (although they say it breeds contempt), I'm not so sure. For me it works. This is Dad's study, where he works when he's at the house. Every corner of it tells the story of who he is and where he's from.
On the left is the book shelf which is covered with all sorts, copies of Hemingway bought back in the day, to theology, and Obamas autobiography. The walls display many of my paintings - here is the self portrait of my alter ego - Raymond Firebrace. Based on the Laughing Cavalier its just the kind of picture Dad likes. He's always looking for the next joke and therefore Mr Firebrace (who assumed his forename) is his kind of guy.
Also in the study is Nan's old piano. Being back is great with music wafting through the walls, adding a real richness which I've often taken from granted. In the background is Dad's second computer. His new one runs Windows XP, but this one still uses 3.5 floppy disks, and runs Windows 95. I'm not sure what he'd think to an Ipad.

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