Red Flash

By RedFlash

The Bollards Continue

It was the South Coast Blipmeet today in Winchester organised by ChrisG - thank you Chris

Adam's Images had shown an interest in sweet shops, so I met him off the train and introduced him to my favourite sweet shop - Sweet Treat

I bought ChrisG some black jacks and some cough candy to say thank you

We met up with the others at the Cathedral and as it was raining they had opted to tour the cathedral. As I live here, I have been around many times before and as I object to being forced to pay to enter it, I chose to give Adam's Images a tour of Winchester.

We caught up with the others at the Cathedral cafe and after a quick chat and the obligatory blip group shot I headed off home initially with MaybeDailyLangridge - another local

So I give you another bollard shot - well another three - the one in the forefront is the Klimt sponsored by the Hat Fair and the Winchester Community Council

I'm particularly fond of the Klimt as a young man at university gave a me my first love note written on a card with a Klimt painting on the front. He turned out to not be the love of my life but I still remember that card.

With the reflections it might be good large

To see my other bollard blips see:

here and

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