Photographic Poeticisms

By TerryRhiannyr

Blossom Dancing

Bright blossoms
In the Springtime blowing
Little fairies
In the sunshine dancing

Weaving merrily
Dancing cheerily
Blossom blooming in the Springtime sun

Branches brown
Against the sky so starkly
Broomsticks flown
By witches angrily

Weaving dangerously
Diving angrily
Witches flying 'gainst the setting sun

Brightsome starlight
In night sky twinkling
Firefly antics
In the darkness dangling

Shining innocently
Twinkling sweetly
Stars dangling after flies the sun

Morntime rising
Noontime commanding
Evetime falling
Forever we desire the warming sun

Terry Rhiannyr (Terry Reader)

April, 2012

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