Favourite smells #1

For some reason, I was trying to think of my favourite smell linked to a place. Unfortunately my sense of smell has taken a bit of a nosedive, pardon the pun over the years, not sure why. Anyway to cut a longish story short I was really struggling to find a smell which I associated with a specific smell.

I was however pleasantly surprised to rediscover a smell which I doubt I'll have every day like we have had, the smell of the hair of a young baby. We had the pleasure of meeting young Miss Emilie this afternoon, what a delightful gorgeous creature. Hmm, maybe we could think about one mo ....

The clouds had cleared and the sun shone which was nice, warming faces and backs.

I shall still try to find a smell which reminds me of a place, I remember some but none which I'd have to take onto a desert island. Those I recall for some reason, the smell of the tar like covering for fences when I went one time on holiday as a child, the smell of my mother's hairspray, the smell of cigarettes and coffee at La Bonne Nouvelle, especially the Gitanes. To be continued ...


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