Turning Point

By MamaFi

Pond Dipping

Lucie and Lachlan met another dog walker at Camperdown Park, who told them about fly balling*. I've never heard of this activity but apparently there are some competitive teams in Dundee. I think it could be fun for Bow Wow, and that he'd be good at it. I had been wondering beforehand whether I should invest in a tennis ball machine to keep him occupied and out of the pond!

Hamish had invited J to come over and was racking his brains thinking of what they could do. They decided to hang out in the sunshine at Magdalen Green. I gave them a lift, as Lucie and I needed to go into town. We could see Horne's Fair in the distance as we drove down Windsor street - what more could they have asked for?

I had a Monsoon voucher, and as there is a sale on which finishes this weekend, I asked Lucie to come and choose something. We were pleasantly surprised by what we saw. After a trying-on session, we found a dress each - Lucie's first high street purchase for many years. I noticed a card at the counter offering £10 off if you return any article of Monsoon clothing to be be recycled. I can think of at least 20 pieces in my wardrobe dating back as far as 1980!

I have a well-heeled friend who also has an impressive set of wheels. She was telling me that non-other than Donald Trump had been sitting on it's soft leather seats last week. We talked about getting the Hello magazine in the 80s and seeing his ex-wife, Ivana, appearing on almost every page, and her famous battle cry of "Don't get mad get everything." - these kinds of people should stay together!

*Participating dogs belong to teams of four and individually jump hurdles and step on a spring loaded box that shoots out a tennis ball. The dog catches the tennis ball and then runs back over the hurdles.

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