Picaday Anyday

By Picaday

Moss in Macro

My husband, who takes great care of our garden has been asking me to take a photo of the moss growing on some stones in a small piece of rockery. From the kitchen window I could see all the lovely yellows and greens on it and how it is spreading over the rocks a little more every year.
When I went out with my camera to photograph it I was amazed at what it looked like under the macro lens. There were dainty little white flowers that I could never see through the window. There were 'trails' where some insect had spun or slithered away. The greens and yellows were much more exciting close up. This wasn't just a patch of moss. It was a living thing that called for closer inspection.
It made me think.
How often do I bother to look at my life under macro?
Are there things I do that may be annoying the living daylights out of my husband?
Could I be of more help?
Do I need to slow down?
Do I need a shake up!!
Publius Syrus is credited with that saying, "A rolling stone gathers no moss".
In other words some people go from here to there taking no responsibility for anything or anybody.
I'm happier to be gathering moss. I'm also happy to look at it under the macro lens from time to time.
I little life check now and again is healthy!!

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