Kung Fu Girl and Boom Boom
I wonder if I should be worried how many of my blips are alcohol related!!
Graeme brought us two bottles of wine this week from the little deli place on Great Junction Street and I loved the black and white labels. We drank the Kung Fu Girl on Thursday night and was really good - slightly sweet but very light and fresh too. I had already opened a bottle of Portuguese red when G got home so we haven't tried the Boom Boom Shiraz yet - maybe tonight with dinner.
I now have 5 weeks left at work before I leave and the plans are definitely coming together. One of the jobs I really want is now looking like a reality - it's a big, interesting transformation programme and would be working with people I already know. Best of all - based in Edinburgh - woo hoo! One of the reasons I wanted to go contracting was to give me the choice about travel - not saying I won't do it but looking forward to maybe getting some more time at home with G and my friends. Won't celebrate til the ink is dry on the contract - but if it comes off I have promised a very good friend of mine dinner at one of the Edinburgh Michelin star restaurants as a thank you :-)
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