Maid in Cornwall

By curlycarrie

Old and new

I went to my friend's house for lunch today, she doesn't do walking but did promise to join me for a little stroll after lunch if I promised to stop winking at her. One of us kept our promise! We went to Carn Brea for a little wander around, I haven't been up here since I started blipping and I noticed things I didn't notice before (one of the benefits of blip!). There's so much history here. Standing on top of the hill surrounded by ancient granite, looking down on to modern (for Cornwall anyway!) industrial estates and retail parks all dotted around with the relics from our recent and not so recent mining history. This place gave me a bit of a 'moment'.

Other exciting news: there finally appears to be a bit of activity on the follicle front, I'm now resembling a kiwi fruit rather than an egg :)
(Apologies for being such an anti-social blipper, I will try to catch up!)

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