Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

The Other End of the Rainbow..

. ..More dramatic skies here today, and a mixture of torrential rain and sunshine.
We planted this clematis on the side wall of our house, which is the side that Mr and Mrs Next Door look out upon and we only catch a glimpse of when driving past to our bit. Today, in brilliant sunshine AND rain, the clematis was brightly pearled.
Or.... Perhaps there really ARE orbs out there? ;-)

Himself arrived back from Athens at 2am (delayed) and spectacularly speckled by mosquito chews. He is a happy bunny to be home :-)
So...It's a Happy Friday all round in our neck of the woods. The wine forecast is as bubbly as today's image. Why? No reason apart from the joy of a safe return.
We count our blessings.
Happy Friday one and all!

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