Cup of Doom

Isn't it hideous when you realise you've not cleaned out the tooth brush cup for ages and that smell coming from the sink isn't a blocked drain or a dead mouse (I'm exaggerating, Mother!) but actually the stagnating pondwater in the vessel you keep your teeth hygiene in.

Boak. All clean and fresh now though.

God I hope I'm not the only minging dirtbag that gets that. Own up now whoever you are!!

As you'll see, there are only 3 brushes in there. 1 of us is escaping this weekend? Actually - 3 are escaping this weekend - The Dog's off camping/hill walking with his mate Tom. The kids are off to my Mums, leaving little, old, tiny me. Alone. For the whole weekend. With nothing to do. Nowhere to go. No fun on my doorstep what so ever.

Hee heee hee (cue: joyous, cheeky grin).

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