Jellybean und dann...

By Kattrin

Thai Curry

Mia had her first adjustment today. All three of us saw Andrew, the chiropractor and he found that her atlas was dislocated. After a quick crack (before you think 'how can they do that', it's actually a very gentle move as baby's bones are soft), she has been sleeping like a baby all day. I will report tomorrow if it continued through the night ;)

We also spent some time in Bondi today and both realised that we are still missing the vibe greatly. Lottery ticket, where are you?...

Oh, regarding the title, I just wanted to put it on record that Jake is still cooking all dinners, and washing dishes, and changing nappies, and soothing the little lady when she needs a cuddle but not necessarily a feed. He has been a great support as a caring partner and loving dad.

And one more thing, I learned today that Mia was born in the year of the dragon. I really like that. And the little Drachen-Schnupftuch her aunt Angie sent her has definitely great potential to become a favourite toy - at least mum's ;))

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