Optic Nerve

By BillFroog

Monumentally Dismal.

Panic Blip on panic trip to panic buy some last minute hee haws and missing kipple requirements. Journey starts tomorrow - albeit in the wrong direction - Delhi via Newquay, today arranging photos of my last trip in 2006 to start populate an album for Subhash.
Dodging hail and varying grades of leaden wetness I managed to grab this snap with my recon Nikon. The screen had gone (protective pouch in my wax-cotton pocket not enough) but £3.45 & eBay - I got a non-functioning S210 and in 3 minutes the screen was in & I have my backup 'brownie' back.

The park in fishponds is a dreary affair commemorating quite a vibrant slew of villages, industry & nut-houses past.
The foreground stone inscription proclaims 'The laying out of this Pleasure Ground for the public use in 1888'. The featured fountain was presented 5 years later.

Oh and apologies for not cropping & rotating - disastrous non verticality of the cameraman, rapidly blamed on haste of snap - between alternating flurries of rain & pigeons. oops

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