Red Flash

By RedFlash

Nice People

Are those that:

? Let you into their lane when you are driving and you realise that you are in the wrong one

? Stop and help you when you fall off your bike (last August - spent two days in hospital)

? Offer assistance when you are in the gutter having an anaphylactic shock (Bristol, several years ago)

? Blip

What a jolly nice lot you are.

I've been off work all week and I've not heard from most of my work mates but you have all asked about my health every day - thank you

I am on the mend but not 100% yet.

Milo now has his new allergy food - it is predominantly fish based, so I am expecting his breath to smell like a penguins - I leaned down once to talk to the penguins at Edinburgh Zoo. It smelt as if they had overdosed on cod liver oil.

I had prepared myself for the cost of the food but I had not prepared myself enough. Several of you have said that your dogs are on fish diets, so I will be in touch for more details

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